Randakk’s Riding Skills – Disclaimers

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Reed and heed the following!

1. The Riding Skills material shared in this Blog is intended to augment live instruction by trained professionals.

2. No written material is an adequate substitute for on-the-bike training.

3. Motorcycle riding is an inherently dangerous activity.  You and you alone are responsible for your own safety.

4. Should you decide to implement any of the information shared here, you do so 100% at your own risk.

2012 Rally Events

The Randakk Rallies have been lots of fun for me and I was able to meet lots of customers face-to-face, but I’ve decided I can meet even more customers by “piggybacking” my vendor / hospitality events with other major motorcycle rallies and events throughout the year. This will also allow me to attend more events and cover a wider geography.

Continue reading “2012 Rally Events”

Clutch Adjustment Procedure

This is a 3-step procedure. It helps if you have $10K worth of hand tools plus very small hands for Step 1 which is a royal pain! The good news is that Step 1 rarely needs attention for the life of the clutch cable once it’s properly set. Before you begin, loosen the adjuster at the handlebar perch and screw the barrel all the way in. Also, loosen the lower adjuster locking nut (where the clutch cable enters the rear housing) and screw the adjustment barrel all the way in (this would be clockwise from above). You should now have lots of slack in your cable.

Continue reading “Clutch Adjustment Procedure”

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