Low Speed Wobble?

Low Speed WobbleDiagram by Vittore Cossalter and Roberto Lot

I get this question frequently: “Do you know why if you let go of the handle bars under 30 mph my ‘Wing has a bad wobble?”

Early ‘Wings and most other bikes of this vintage don’t have any inherent wobble tendencies and they are rarely ridden at the “limit” where handling anomalies are magnified.

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Removing Stiction from GL1000 Front Forks

GL1000 forks are notorious for stiction…especially if you use inferior, aftermarket fork seals. A bigger problem: careless re-assembly of front end components that can introduce additional stiction. The typical scenario is putting some “bind” into the forks by the manner in which the front axle is secured on the left side. This often happens after front tire work by sloppy mechanics. The GL1000 is very sensitive to this detail!

Here’s how to remedy. Keep in mind that the sequence and order of this procedure is very critical:

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Lazy / Slow Return to Idle (or Erratically High Idle)

You might consider Randakk’s GL1000 Carb Rebuild Video

Are you plagued with a bike that runs great from about 2000 RPMs and up, but refuses to idle reliably below that speed? Does it sometimes idle OK, but often “hang-up” at a higher speed and take forever to return to idle? Do you have to put a small load on the engine (by letting out the clutch a bit when stopped and in gear) to get the engine to return to idle speed? Does the idle speed seem overly sensitive to changes in ambient and operating temperature? If so, read on.

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Randakk’s Riding Skills – Introduction

Randakk’s Riding Skills – Introduction

Read Riding Skills Disclaimers

Motorcycling changed my life. I mean that quite literally. If there weren’t vintage motorcycle enthusiasts, there would be no persona known as Randakk. For that I am sincerely grateful. That I am able to earn a living immersed in such fabulous machinery is quite a blessing. This Riding Skills project is dedicated to my customers who make all this possible!

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Randakk’s Riding Skills – Riding Gear!

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In times past I was pretty adamant with my advice on what other riders should wear when riding.  I’m much wiser now!

After much grief, flame-wars and hate mail, I have relented and adopted a point of view best-expressed by my friend Stu Oltman – Sr. Tech Editor at Wing World Magazine:

“Only bother covering those parts of your body that you plan on using again!”

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Randakk’s Riding Skills – Recommended Reading

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Riding into my 90’s and preferring antique Hondas will require that I keep the 2 wheel machinery operational. By disposition and temperament, I’ve never been one inclined to trust vehicle maintenance to others. Fast forward 30 years – I really doubt if GL1000 mechanics will be working at the local Honda dealership. Heck, you can hardly find a decent one today! Self-sufficiency on maintenance is essential. It helps keep you connected to the machine and aware of subtle changes in performance and operational feedback. In my experience, all top riders are “sensitive” to the condition and needs of their bike. The machine talks a very specific language – you must learn how to listen.

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2013 Rally Events

The Randakk Rallies I held in the past were lots of fun for me and I was able to meet lots of customers face-to-face, but I decided that I can meet even more customers by “piggybacking” my vendor / hospitality events with other major motorcycle rallies, races and events throughout the year. This allows me to attend more events, cover a wider geography and meet even more Honda enthusiasts!

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