Special Tuning Tips for ’77 GL1000s + Carb Top Service

You might consider this item: Randakk’s GL1000 Carb Rebuild Video

Honda made a number of jetting tweaks in ’76 (K1 and LTD) and again in ’77 (K2) for US-bound GL1000s to cope with tightening emissions regulations. Other markets were affected as well. Honda necessarily made the bikes progressively leaner through these model years. Social responsibility is a good thing for large corporations, but these were not great moves from the rider’s point of view. Riding a bike with overly lean carburetion may be “green,” but it certainly can be frustrating.

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Removing / Installing Intake Runners

It is very important that the intake runners on your GL1000 provide a leak-free connection between the individual carbs and the cylinder head. During carb rebuilds, I remove the intakes for individual inspection and leak testing. This is also necessary to gain access for inspecting the throttle butterfly plates and retaining screws as well as the idle nozzles.

However, you probably shouldn’t disturb the bonded rubber connection to the carbs any more than necessary. Remember these parts are 25+ years old and the rubber is not as pliable as when new.

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