January 2018’s Featured Products

Happy New Year, Goldwing lovers!

Looking back on 2017,  you probably put a healthy number of miles on your Honda. You know this is right up the Randakk’s alley when we say that you may be due for a carb cleaning/rebuild.

  • Is your motorcycle hard to start?
  • Is it running a bit off-kilter?
  • When you dial the throttle, are you getting the desired performance?
  • Do you ride with the choke on? (this means you have a clogged pilot jet)
  • Sluggish acceleration?
  • Bad fuel economy?

These are all signs that your bike is in need of some carburetor love. In most scenarios, there’s only really one way to see if your carbs are due for a complete rebuild: pull them off the bike and take a look inside. And since you have them off and dissembled, you might as well do your future self a favor and rebuild them now.

January’s Featured Products are dedicated to those precious carburetors, everything from the all-inclusive Randakk’s Carb Rebuild Kits to the e-clips.

GL1000 Combo Offer: Carb Kit + Video


Randakks GL1000 Carb Kit Video Combo


Another exclusive item. This Randakk Master Carb Overhaul Kit for Honda GL1000 includes everything you need (and nothing you don’t need!) for a comprehensive GL1000 carb overhaul. This kit is proprietary to Randakk’s…you won’t find this available anywhere else at any price. Sourced for the best available parts from 3 continents and combined them with exclusive items to make this kit possible.

This kit is appropriate for any 1975 – 1979 GL1000 with original carbs.

*** Best Value: Save $10.00 when you purchase these 2 items together.***


To browse the Randakk’s Carb Rebuild kits and other rebuild kits, click HERE.



Honda CBX – Randakk Master Carb Overhaul Kit®

Randakks CBX Carb Kit

Unlike ordinary aftermarket kits, each Randakk kit provides everything listed for all 6 carbs plus other items required for splitting and rejoining the carbs to replace the cross carb fuel transfer tubes as well as the float bowl vent circuits. Randakk’s even includes rebuild kits for the air cut-off valve and accelerator valve.

Only the highest quality items are included. The kit has been thoroughly tested. Collection represents the best value available in the market. Trust Randakk’s, you’ll need everything in this kit to do a proper overhaul of your carbs.


For the entire selection of CBX parts, click HERE.


Standard Float Post Repair Kit – Version A 

Randakks Float Post Repair Kit A

One of the worst things that can happen during a carb rebuild is a broken float pivot post. Covered in Randakk’s GL1000 Carb Rebuild DVD covers some simple precautions, but even the most careful mechanic can sometimes break one of these posts…even Randakk’s!

Over the years, Randakk’s has evaluated many repair techniques for this calamity…none has ever completely satisfied. Up until now, the only good advice that could be offered was to replace the entire carb body.

Bob Hagerman (supplier of Randakk’s oil filter conversion kits) solving essentially the problem At the 2008 Rally, Bob and Randakk’s compared notes and worked on several refinements. This kit is the result of the collaboration.

Kit is easy to use and requires minimal expertise or tools. It delivers a reliable, accurate and permanent repair! The cost is considerably less than most suppliers charge for a single, bare and inspected carb body. Plus, given the cost of labor and the value of a complete carb rack, most suppliers are getting reluctant to part with a single carb body. Thanks again to Gary Broom for sending Randakk’s down this path.

Each kit will repair one broken float pivot post. Once you’ve purchased the kit, you can repair more carb bodies by purchasing additional replacement posts below.


For more repair kits for other models:

Version B ( GL1100 )

Version C ( CBX )

Version D ( DOHC-4 )

Randakk’s GEN II Intake Manifold Set 

( GL1000 / GL1100 )

Randakks Gen II Intake Manifold Set



This is the ultimate performance carburetion setup for the GL1000/GL1100. The only other paths to more power would be the expense, complication, weight and heat generation involved with superchargers, turbochargers or internal engine modifications.

This setup is approximately 7 pounds lighter than the OEM carb setup!

Very short, isolated intake runner design ensures that each cylinder is tuned the same.

Carb icing will not be an issue!

Low fuel mass to move upon throttle demand for great throttle response.

Maximum tuning flexibility. Webers are the ultimate carb for precise tuning! All jets can be swapped in seconds without carb removal or disassembly.

Ease of maintenance. These are very simple and easy to maintain carbs. Floats can be adjusted without carb removal. Parts are readily available worldwide. Orifices are much larger on the idle circuits compared to the OEM carbs, so there is less chance of blocked idle circuits.

Superior float design for excellent fuel control.

Better engineered low speed circuits permit very precise idle regulation and a slightly lower curb idle speed.

Superior progression circuit design provides instant off-idle response.

Accelerator pumps provide excellent transition under hard acceleration.

No choke mechanism required. Accelerator pumps make excellent cold start priming device.

Removal of stock carbs and airbox frees up considerable “real estate” under the glove box. Hmmm…we think a nitrous oxide bottle might fit there.


Read all about it on the product page! (click on the picture)


Please never hesitate to shoot any questions you may have over to customerservice@randakks.com




One thought on “January 2018’s Featured Products

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  1. due to a sudden strroke i can’t ride a 2 wheeler any more. ive heard that you’er a wizzard with bikes and watched your videos on carbs. ihave a 85 v65 sabreand due to finances i need to transform the 2 wheels into 3 and would appreciate your input on this modification. i would like to get a readily available car rear end from a local junkyard and hook it up to the bikes driveshaft. what cheap car rearend that would be suitable for this hardtail conversion?id like to know about the u joints to make this work?any info would be greatly appreciated! roger@788941@gmail.com

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