Engine Rebuilding for GoldWings?

Unfortunately the economics of engine rebuilding are very poor on these engines.  Here’s some advice if you think you need a rebuild.


Setting aside the very limited number of folks with the expertise to do the actual work, there is very poor availability of rebuild parts from Honda …especially “oversizes” for internal engine parts such as pistons, rings and bearings.

These obsolete NOS parts vendors have some availability of such internal engine rebuild parts:

A better bet is to source a good used, low mileage engine from a reputable salvage dealer.  Salvage engines are still available in good numbers at reasonable prices.  Many salvage yards provide limited warranty / return provisions.

Here are some salvage resources to assist your search:

Good deals on used engines occasionally show up on the GoldWing Forums Classifieds as well. My favorite is the NGW Club.

If you are brave and willing to search diligently, good deals on used engines sometimes show up on EBAY and Craigslist. You may have to buy a whole bike just to get the engine, but that can be a good deal nonetheless. 🙂

I use OEM Honda gaskets for my own work.  You have to buy them individually which is a small hassle and the cost is higher, but there is no question about the quality. 

I believe Vesrah makes good aftermarket gasket sets. I recommend that you avoid all other brands of aftermarket gasket sets.

15 thoughts on “Engine Rebuilding for GoldWings?

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  1. Dave Morgan shut down his shop in Eugene, OR so they could retire. He sold the name to someone else and they aren’t nearly the level of expert his shop was. FYI.

  2. I was wondering if a gl 1100 that sat for nearly 2 years would be worth restoring. High miles questionable service and rode till he bought a harley. But sat because of a dead battery. I think theres more to it but. Been setting in a none heated shed 2 years yall can e-mail me not signed up here yet. Curious if it would be cost effective.

  3. I’m helping a friend find 1975 Gl1000 engine bearings for a restoration job. I’m having trouble finding anywhere that has them in stock and that can ship to Canada or the US. Any suggestions?
    The part numbers are 13215-371-003 BLUE, 13217-371-003 BROWN, 13221-371-003 BLUE, 13223-371-003 BROWN, 13324-371-003 GREEN, 13325-371-003 YELLOW,

  4. Dave morgon in eugene sold out and retired i miss his nowing everything about the older goldwings wish i had his cell number sad day, my question is what engine parts on a 1000 will work on a 1100? I have a 1100 83 engine but before i scrap it what part will fit my 1000 76, thanks , here is my email, steveraldon@gmail.com, the 1100 is a good engine if anyone wants it you come get it in pendleton oregon thanks

  5. Hello and good morning, i am presented with a dilemma and need advice. The oil site glass on my 1978 gl 1000 is broken. My parts manual does not reference this part number nor does the repair book tell me how to replace this part. Can you enlighten me on how to remove this part, and best solution to find the part. i was told to use JB weld , seal it up and use a dip stick moving forward. thanks

    1. The oil sight glass for the GL1000 is listed as oil level finder in the OEM parts diagram. The OEM #15661-371-015, it is available at some NOS site. As for the replacement the true way to fix it correctly and replace it will be to pull the engine and split the cases. The sight glass should pop out and the new one should pop in.

      Thank you

    2. Hi I believe I have a gold wing engine and I would like to obtain the parts to rebuild the engine. I do not know that much about the engine I have but willing to learn. Your post is helpful and I was wondering if you could be able to identify the engine or would explain how I could identify the engine type. I what to know what I have so I know what to order for the rebuilding of the engine. What is the best way to find out what I have?

  6. Hi Randakk. Over winter I replaced the water pump on my GL1000. I also installed a set of 75 cams. It has no leaks, runs and sounds great and makes great power. My oil pressure is good: with 15W40 I get 15psi at 1100 rpm idle, 60psi at 2600 rpm and 70psi at 4000 rpm. But my oil has rubber, ferrous metal and non-ferrous metal in it. Any ideas where I should look next? Thank you.

    1. There are many possibilities, some benign…some not. I would drain the oil, remove and clean the oil pickup strainer, as well as the bottom of the oil pan. Then, refill with fresh oil and a new filter. Ride it a few hundred miles (so long as there are no strange noises or leaks!) Then, repeat the above process to see what the bottom of the oil pan looks like. I would probably cut into the oil filter for an inspection.

      I would also inspect the camshaft seals.

      Good luck!

    1. Spend some time on the NGWClub Forum: https://ngwclub.com/forum/ …where this issue is discussed in great detail.

      The short answer is: GL1100 and GL1200 engines can be installed into GL1000 frames but a number of modifications are required.

      For a truly heroic project, GL1500 or Valkyrie engines are possibilities.

  7. Hello I own a 1978 gl1000 and I am looking to make some more power. First can any parts interchange from the gl1100 or gl 1200? I would like to stroke to an 1100 crank and possibly heads since aftermarket parts are so cheap these days. If anyone has done this or can shed some light thank would be much appreciated, thanks.

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