Aftermarket Fuel Filter Mounting Issues

More on the topic of aftermarket fuel filters here

You might consider this item: Randakk’s GL1000 Carb Rebuild Video

I’ve personally had very few problems using aftermarket fuel filters designed specifically for the GL1000 such as the commonly available EMGO model. However, there have been some reported failures with such aftermarket filters. Fuel leaking from a fuel filter is more than a nuisance…it’s a very serious fire hazard.

Here’s a tip to prevent problems with these filters. The probable cause of leaking aftermarket filters is over-tightening of the 2-part bracket that secures the filter to the front of the fuel tank. If the aftermarket fuel filter has a diameter just slightly larger than the OEM spec, tightening of the retainer screw can put to much stress on the plastic filter housing which may cause it to fail eventually.

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Fuel Sender Issues

This Tech Tip is provided courtesy of Howard Halasz – noted early ‘Wing Guru. Howard is a frequent contributor of technical columns and other information to GWRRA’s Wing World Magazine. This Tech Tip applies to any 4 cylinder GoldWing (GL1000, GL1100 or GL1200). 

“OK! Now that you’ve overhauled your carburetors using your Randakk’s® Master Carb Overhaul Kit and installed them on your Gold Wing, you find out that your Wing now performs better than it ever did since you owned it. You check the lights, turn signals, horn, tachometer, temperature gauge, brakes, and turn signals. Everything looks and sounds great!! Then you notice that your fuel gauge shows EMPTY, although you have a full tank.

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GL1100 Bogs Down at Full Throttle

This Tech Tip is provided courtesy of Howard Halasz – noted GL1100 Guru. Howard is a frequent contributor of technical columns and other information to GWRRA’s Wing World Magazine. This Tech Tip applies to any 4 cylinder GoldWing (GL1000, GL1100 or GL1200).

If your GL1100 Gold Wing bogs down at full throttle, there are two possible causes.

1. If your air cutoff valves were never replaced since the bike was new, the air cutoff valve diaphragms might be compromised. This can cause a number of carb maladies including “bogging” at full throttle.

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GL1100 Accelerator Pump Testing

Check out our GL1100 Carburetor Repair Manual written by Howard Halasz

This Tech Tip is provided courtesy of Howard Halasz – noted early ‘Wing Guru. Howard is a frequent contributor of technical columns and other information to GWRRA’s Wing World Magazine.

Note from Randakk: This information and much more is covered in Howard’s Honda GL1100 Gold Wing Carburetor Repair Guide.

Before you finish reassembly of your carburetors during a rebuild, you need to check the operation of the accelerator pump.

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Old School Carb Cleaning Methods

If you’ve watched my GL1000 Carb Rebuild Video, you know that I’m strongly opposed to total immersion chemical carb cleaning methods. The very harsh ingredients in these “buckets of doom” are bad for your carbs, your health and the environment. The lubricating/sealing felts used on the throttle and choke butterfly shafts on GL1000 carbs are particularly vulnerable to such abuse.

Heaven forbid you were to carelessly dunk your GL1100 carbs in one of these buckets. Your air-cutoff valves as well as the accelerator pump would quickly be history if they were left in place. Sadly, GL1100 air cut-off valves and accelerator pumps are frequently ruined by indiscriminate use of carb cleaners (even with no dunking) due to their vulnerable locations.

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