7 Volt Regulator Problems

A “step-down” auxiliary voltage regulator drives the fuel and temperature gauges on GL1000s. This clever device provides a constant 7V input voltage to power these gauges. This effectively buffers the wide normal fluctuations in battery voltage. Without the step-down regulator, your gauge readings would be very unreliable because main battery voltage varies with rpm, load, stator output and accuracy of the voltage regulator. Many older cars use this same technology for the dashboard.

7 Volt Regulator

7 Volt Auxiliary Regulator 

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Effect of Excessive Electrical Loads on Ignition Performance

The electrical/charging system on a GL1000 is well-designed and fairly reliable compared to its contemporaries. In fact, stator problems are quite rare compared to later four cylinder GoldWings. Most charging problems on GL1000s are fairly easy to diagnose and remedy. The usual culprits are poor battery cable/starter relay connections, bad 30 amp master fuse and weak batteries. Occasionally, a voltage regulator will fail. Even more rare is rectifier failure. Stator reliability is a good thing, since replacement requires engine removal…a rather laborious task.

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