Continue reading “Team Winston Runs Strong at 2018 AMA Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials”
Continue reading “Team Winston Runs Strong at 2018 AMA Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials”
Note: The graphic for this Tech Tip is provided courtesy of Tom Thomas of Austell, GA.
My GL1000 carb video goes into great detail on the placement of these bits, but the nice graphic below provided by Tom Thomas is a handy quick reference.
I find the factory recommended idle mixture screw setting specs to be very close to ideal. They are listed here for the Honda GL1000.
I do usually richen them up an extra 1/8 to 1/4 turn (out) to compensate for the leaner modern “gasoline” which is diluted with ethanol in most US markets.
But sometimes, you just need an excuse to do some high performance tuning on your bike! 🙂
Continue reading “Not so “Green,” No-Drop Idle Mixture Adjustment Method”
What is a petcock? Why is important to vintage motorcycle owners?
Happy New Year, Goldwing lovers!
Looking back on 2017, you probably put a healthy number of miles on your Honda. You know this is right up the Randakk’s alley when we say that you may be due for a carb cleaning/rebuild.
These are all signs that your bike is in need of some carburetor love. In most scenarios, there’s only really one way to see if your carbs are due for a complete rebuild: pull them off the bike and take a look inside. And since you have them off and dissembled, you might as well do your future self a favor and rebuild them now.
January’s Featured Products are dedicated to those precious carburetors, everything from the all-inclusive Randakk’s Carb Rebuild Kits to the e-clips.
“I’ve noticed that turning the idle mixture screws nets different results on each of the individual carbs on my Honda GL1000:
What does this mean????? I’m a bit confused? Help please!!!!”
GL1000 Idle Mixture Fuel Screw
I’m happy to share this excellent video tip created by Ari Henning of Motorcyclist Magazine. Ari is a notorious AHRMA road-racer and all-around swell guy!
This is excellent information.
Whenever I’m asked about “jetting” issues on vintage Honda carbs – here’s my strong advice:
Continue reading “Randakk’s Jetting Advice For Vintage Honda CV Carbs”
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