This ever happen to you? Randakk customer Randy Troy of Oceanside, CA recently faced this challenge during the resurrection of a ’79 CBX – the alternator harness plug was 100% “toast!”

Don’t worry, there’s an easy solution …and an easy prevention!
This ever happen to you? Randakk customer Randy Troy of Oceanside, CA recently faced this challenge during the resurrection of a ’79 CBX – the alternator harness plug was 100% “toast!”
Don’t worry, there’s an easy solution …and an easy prevention!
By: Randall Washington (aka Randakk)
Vintage motorcycles can change your life. I mean that quite literally. Building a business immersed in such fabulous machinery has been quite a ride. One of the best aspects? Working with the American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association, AHRMA.
Continue reading “What I’ve Learned from AHRMA Vintage Roadracing”
Catastrophe or Nuisance?
Greg Jones (left) and Al Wransky (right). Photo by Scott Larson
Continue reading “Honda GL1000 Smokes on Initial Startup?”
Continue reading “Team Winston Runs Strong at 2018 AMA Bonneville Motorcycle Speed Trials”
I find the factory recommended idle mixture screw setting specs to be very close to ideal. They are listed here for the Honda GL1000.
I do usually richen them up an extra 1/8 to 1/4 turn (out) to compensate for the leaner modern “gasoline” which is diluted with ethanol in most US markets.
But sometimes, you just need an excuse to do some high performance tuning on your bike! 🙂
Continue reading “Not so “Green,” No-Drop Idle Mixture Adjustment Method”
Great news! Randakk will personally man a booth at the Detroit Autorama (March 2-4) …as an Ambassador representing our 3 sister companies: Randakk’s Cycle Shakk, Z1Enterprises and Mike’s XS.
Continue reading “Randakk at 2018 Detroit Autorama Event: March 2-4 (Cobo Center)”
What is a petcock? Why is important to vintage motorcycle owners?
(This Tech Tip is written for the Honda GL1000 …mostly applicable to any vintage motorcycle.)
If you’ve ever ridden a “healthy” GL1000 you will agree that it is a surprisingly fast bike …especially given its vintage. The original design goal by Honda was slanted toward “sport” rather than “touring.” In fact, when GL1000s were new in 1975 – only the mighty Kawasaki Z1 was faster. Honda was shy about publishing actual horsepower figures, but the design goal was 80 horsepower at the crank. That’s quite respectable …even today.
Dyno Testing Randakk’s Dual Weber Carb Setup
If your GL1000 seems a bit ‘pokey,” there are many possibilities. Here’s a checklist of essential things to check:
Internally Collapsed Header on Honda GL1000?
Collapsed GL1000 Header
Example courtesy of Steve Seamans of NGWClub Forum
Continue reading “Internally Collapsed Header on Honda GL1000?”
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